下のフォームに必要事項を記入ください。*は必須です。 1. Applicant Information *Full Name: *Have you studied or lived in the US?: YesNo If Yes, what kind of visa and the date you entered in the US?: *Have you applied for J-1 visa before? : YesNo *Passport Number: *Passport Issued Date(mm/dd/yyyy): *Passport Expired Date(mm/dd/yyyy): *Date of Birth(mm/dd/yyyy): *Birth City: *Current Address(現住所)郵便番号もご入力下さい: *Current Phone Number: *Permanent Address(実家住所)郵便番号もご入力下さい: *Permanent Phone Number(実家電話番号): *E-mail address: *Skype ID: *Emergency Contact Name 1(Family): *Emergency Contact Relationship 1: *Emergency Contact Phone Number 1: *Emergency Contact E-mail 1: *Emergency Contact Name 2(Family): *Emergency Contact Relationship 2: *Emergency Contact Phone Number 2: *Emergency Contact E-mail 2: *Emergency Contact Name 3(non-Family): *Emergency Contact Relationship 3: *Emergency Contact Phone Number 3: *Emergency Contact E-mail 3: 2. Academic Background (Outside of the US) *Type of Degree: High SchoolAA/AS(短大)BA/BS(大学)Master(修士) *Name of the School you completed: *Major: *Attended Period(mm/yy~mm/yy): *(Expected)Graduation Date(mm/dd/yy): 3. Work Experience (Outside of the US) * 職歴がある方は必ずご記入ください。 Name of Company(1): Company Address: Work Period(mm/yy~mm/yy): Supervisor's Full Name(上司のフルネーム): Supervisor's Title(上司の役職名): Job Description(仕事内容): Name of Company(2): Company Address: Work Period(mm/yy~mm/yy): Supervisor's Full Name: Supervisor's Title: Job Description: Name of Company(3): Company Address: Work Period(mm/yy~mm/yy): Supervisor's Full Name: Supervisor's Title: Job Description: Name of Company(4): Company Address: Work Period(mm/yy~mm/yy): Supervisor's Full Name: Supervisor's Title: Job Description: ご記入ありがとうございました。 Δ